Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)
Thomas Berry Award & Lecture
Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)


Towards A New Production Ethic

Tools: Guiding Consensus seeking on values

Tentative Values Classification, useful for an Overhead Projection

(food, fiber supplies)


Sufficient (adequate, accessible, affordable)
Sustainable (here = perpetual supplies for future generations)
Healthy (nutritious, delicious, safe)


From Sufficient:
-Accessible to local communities
-Affordable due to moderate price competition by independent producers and minimal shipping and storage cost
-Adequate due to intimate knowledge of the local market by local producers

From sustainable:
Long-term community food security due to local knowledge of agricultural resources and locally motivated stewardship, local knowledge of population growth, avoidance of conversion of prime ag lands to non-ag uses etc.

From Healthy:
Lowered Risk of Toxic Production Practices, due to neighborly relations between farmers and consumers, ease of traceability to production source, farmer care for low toxicity of his/her family environment.

(values created or impacted by the means of production)

I.) General tool values:
Efficient in use of resources

Sustainable (here = able to allow perpetual attainment of the goal values of agriculture)
Examples here are:
1.) the data showing that small farms are more conservative in their use of natural resources and more productive than large industrial operations
2.) The farmer's desire to farm so that the family may retain the farm for many generations, not exhaust the productive capacity of the land.

Safe (here, beyond the safety of the food, the value is tools or practices which do no endanger farmers, workers, neighbors, farm or wild animals and the environment in general.)

Productive due to need to produce adequate income with limited land, water and capital.

II.) Specific tool values:
1.) Impacting human producers
a.)values without which farmers and farm laborers will not work at all:
- Adequate family income
- Income Security Health
- Bearable stress levels

b.) values without which producers will not be able to farm with excellence:
- Continuous, intimate presence on and knowledge of the land
- Caring identification with the land and local community
- Rewards derived from promise of family living in a safe, beautiful and productive environment

2.) Impacts on non-humans
a.) Impacts on animals
- Intrinsic value of animals known and felt by immediate working with them
- Continuity of management enabling consideration of individual animal needs
- Moderate Scale of husbandry Etc.

b.) Impacts on other living systems
- Presence in and intimacy with the land and environment
- Love of the beauty of the environment from actually living in it
- Recognition of the beauty and value of the diversity and harmony of the ecology
- Care for the cleanliness/safety of the environment due to living in it
- Ability to carry out local caring for living ecologies due to humanly graspable scale of management Etc.

3.) Values in Farmer to Farmer Relationships
a.) Sacred:
- Community with and caring for neighboring farmers

b.) Useful:
- Professional/technical cohesiveness and helpfulness
- Shared Innovativeness
- Emulation of Excellent Practices
- Etc.

4.) Values in Farmer to Farmer Relationships
a.) Sacred:
- Community with and caring for neighboring farmers

b.) Useful:
- Professional/technical cohesiveness and helpfulness
- Shared Innovativeness
- Emulation of Excellent Practices
- Etc.

5.) Values in Community and Consumer Relations
- Pleasure in being appreciated by consumer for a healthy and delicious product
- Living in peace with one's community
- Mutual sharing of community needs and the burdens of farming activity = tendency to mitigate or negotiate mutual impacts on neighbors in a friendly way
- Etc.


CRLE |  [email protected]