Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)
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Center for Respect of Life and Environment (CRLE)

EARTH ETHICS 1995 Summer

The Challenge of a World Environmental Ethic, by J. Baird Callicott. Achieving one world view and a consistent univocal environmental ethic will require harmonization of the plurality of reviving and renewed bioregional perspective and ethics grounded in traditional wisdom.
(Printable preview article)

The Ethic of Sustainability, by Stanley R. Euston and William E. Gibson. Enlightened self-interest is not an adequate basis for sustaining ourselves and our planet into a new century.

Fundamental Ethical Principles from the World Conservation Union.

Revisioning Environmentalism, by Robert Gottlieb. Environmentalism has failed to elaborate the crucial social connections. Such linkages are crucial for confronting today's social and ecological trends.

Gabriel and the Water Shortage, a poem by Sharon Olds.

Learning to Meet the Environmental Challenge, by Richard M. Clugston. A CRLE Report on efforts to "green" postmodern colleges and universities by CRLE and the Project on Ecology, Justice, and Faith.

The Boy Who Lived with the Bears, by Joel Monture. A Mohawk Lesson Story.